Friday, September 26, 2014

The [Venezuelan] opposition in three acts

From Mission Truth

The opposition in three acts
by Mercedes Chacin

The First act. The Holy Grail, the Venezuelan Nelson Mandela: Atoche the Santo Niño, the patron of prisoners, to "do not mess with my coups", the inseparable companion, until 12 years ago, Alfredo Peña, free of dust and straw, Ivan Simonovis has house arrest. The symbol of the Venezuelan resistance is back with his family. His family, which I send my respects, has a reason to be happy. The Supreme Court of Justice decided to grant house arrest at the request of the Public Ministry, the same that has been attacked and vilified by the Venezuelan opposition. The reasons: 19 suffered from diseases, difficult to cure, as his attorney, Jose Luis Tamayo.

Which will ensure a long stay at home. You can not talk to the media, you can not leave the country, you can not use social media ... but can peek out the window of his house. From there he was taken to Simonovis photos with his family. They look happy. Not for less. He spent ten years in prison accused of homicide, attempted homicide and serious and minor bodily injury in the context of the events of 11 April 2002 also yet to serve 20 years in prison. Long live Ivan Simonovis and wishes speedy recovery so that you can continue serving his sentence.

The Second Act. With twelve deaths in the Central Hospital of Maracay a union leader in the health sector comprises alarms in that state and states that are rare diseases. Hospital officials say there are no epidemics, but no matter. Yes there is. In realtion there is also a rare pod according to the website Counterpoint, which reads: "Since the beginning of the month, an increase of patients with febrile surprisingly For example, since 17 September we had 300 cases, of which 170, about suffering from high fever. Twenty of these children had a fever of 40 degrees [Celsius], had red marks on the skin and body pain by crying",said a nurse at the hospital site. The unnamed nurse also said that the cases come from La Vega, Antímano, Carapita and Valles del Tuy. And guess what: it also says it is not abatizando in those areas. Statistics and epidemiologist at the chick.

The Third act. The wrong guy the story is filmed throwing everything done in Táchira. Smearing the opposition leadership. Flying clubs is as simple counts. "Here's what to do (in Táchira) is to destroy liquor stores and nightclubs in San Cristobal, we must take them and blow them away. And then the CNE (...) if you want me let me deal with the CNE and CNE offices." The opposition leadership feigns insanity and say that this guy is an Chavista infiltrator. Ledezma said that they want to imprison.

Epilogue. Theirs [MUD] is a clear, concise and repeated script. Drama, violence and death. Ours [Chavista and GPP] is a festival, children's smiles and commitment to the country. With joy we will triumph. Let's

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