Wednesday, September 3, 2014

People interested in public office should go through PSUV Training School

In the tradition of the former Soviet Union's Communist Party school, the Communist Party of China's Party school, or in Venezuela's regional area Cuba's party training school, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela is planning to create it's own party school for those who are interested in running public office.

People interested in public office should go through PSUV Training School

By: Venezuelan News Agency (AVN) | Monday, 09/01/2014 2:01 PM

[Written by]Jacqueline Faria -- A Proposal presented Monday in the central region of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to the formation of the Training System of political organization. One of the approaches outlined important is that candidates for public office to go through the Training School Boards and receive ideological-political, technical, and administrative training.

At the closing ceremony of the First Workshop on System Design Training PSUV, held at the Teresa Carreño Theater of Caracas, Faria emphasized that the aim should be to train a leader able to develop, deepen the revolutionary process and to ensure through the party, leading the struggles of the people and raising the class consciousness in the path to the Bolivarian socialism and political revolutionary.


After four days of meetings, the conclusions of the central region indicate that a picture of the PSUV to be formed under the principle of "being like Chavez" is required. As the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, involves discovering himself in the excluded, the marginalized, through class consciousness and struggle to ensure their social and historical rights, Faria said. The basis of the training will be called The tree of the four estates, covering the political thought of Simon Bolivar,the heroes Ezequiel Zamora and Simón Rodríguez, and Chavez also mentioned the need to adhere to the principles and socialist values: turn the crisis into an opportunity for victory; devote to the people to build a better world; combat waste, corruption and bureaucracy; and elevate the thinking of revolutionary ethics with the premise of consistency between what is said and what is done. "This leads us to raise the chavismo as a guide for present and future action," he added.

This program will be modeled to take the structure of the party Communist Cuba: state, municipal and national levels; and the equalization program knowledge to the tables has promoted the Sandinista party in Nicaragua.

"That is not only going to enter must pass through the esucela but leveling required of those who are now in government," said Faria.

By Another central idea is to develop a sectoral component of training: for workers, youth, women, peasants, etc., as well as the creation of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences Alberto Muller Rojas.

The programs of study are suggested: the thought and action of Chavez; analysis of the Bolivarian Revolution revolutionary ethics and morals; history and characterization of imperialism; and world history, Latin American, Caribbean, national, regional and local geography; politicians and government studies; popular education; organizational, technical and electoral strategies; propaganda and political communication; gender; foreign policy and international relations; Human Rights; organization and functioning of the Party; social psychology; legal basis of the revolutionary process; and comprehensive security and defense of the nation.

Moreover, said the establishment of mass education circles and reflection and the creation of an evaluation system with task allocation, monitoring and control by the Party. Likewise, Faria recognized Psuv President Nicolas Maduro effort at this stage of transition to socialism and its interest in strengthening ideological education for the purpose of carrying the revolution to a tipping point actually.

Translation based on Google translate
In a global standpoint and in the history of socialism, if this school was established: This will be the first party school of socialism, in a socialist country to be built in a actual democratic socialist state. Not even China's who has economic and diplomatic ties with the coutnry, with it's formidable Party school has that accomplishment.

It is interesting of note that it is modeled after Cuba's program, which was also modeled after the former Soviet Union's party school, so Cuba does has influence, but passive influence of ideas not active influence.

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