Monday, March 16, 2015

Enabling Law 2015: Anti-Imperialist Enabling Law for Peace [Edit in Progress]

President Maduro has been granted rule-by-executive decree in light of President Obama's executive order in response to the Venezuelan Government's actions during the Guarimba Insurrection of 2014 and the Blue Coup which was recently been thwarted by SEBIN. Not taking any chances, not only the Government allowed him to rule by decree within five aspects, the Department of National Defense is running joint civil-military drills to prepare for any further action or worse any further restart of the Guarimba Insurrection that has rocked the country last year.

Western media has not researched the actual aspect of the Enabling law. So I did a straight translation.

The Extraordinary Gazette No. 6,178, dated March 15, 2015, was issued the authorization for the President, Nicolas Maduro , issued decrees with the force, courage and strength to ensure national sovereignty.

According to the Gazette, seeks to rule in the area of ​​freedom, equality, justice and international peace, independence, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination.

Such issues will relate to strengthening the sovereignty, protection against interference in internal affairs of States of the Republic and bellicose actions, among others.

It also urges govern guidelines aimed at strengthening strategic alliances of Venezuela with neighboring countries.

The law takes effect from Monday until December 31, 2015.

The publication states that the "Anti-Imperialist Powers Law for Peace" authorizes the President to "enact or amend laws in the area of freedom, equality, justice and international peace, independence, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination, in the following areas:

  1. Strengthen guarantee the exercise of the constitutional principles of sovereignty and self-determination of peoples; protection against interference from other states in the internal affairs of the Republic, bellicose actions, or any external or internal activity, intending to violate the peace, the peace and functioning of democratic institutions, for a safer world ".
  2. Protection of the People and the entire state actions against other countries or economic or financial corporations, or internal factors, intended to disrupt or distort production, trade or financial socioeconomic system and guarantees the rights and associated entities
  3. Effectiveness of the democratic principle of active participation and value of collective solidarity in defense of constitutional order and prevention against such threats, actions and their possible consequences, securing the rights of all citizens of the Republic.
  4. Strengthen strategic alliances of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with the fraternal countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, establishing coalitions that strengthen regional sovereignty, to safeguard the dignity of all peoples of the Americas.
  5. Regulate the guidelines aimed at strengthening the system of civil, administrative and criminal as may be appropriate to safeguard the principles, values ​​and constitutional rules set out in this Act responsibilities.

In this regard, Article No. 3 of Decree issued by the National Assembly stated that "empowering the President to issue decrees with Rank, Value and Force of Law in matters delegated shall be from the date of the publication of this Law in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, until 31 December 2015 ".


VTV / Agencies

Translated Straight by Google Translate

Enabling laws has been used by the Bolivarian Government since 1999 to deal with immediate aspects such as environment, corruption, Combating economic warfare and establishing fair prices for basic goods and necessities.

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