Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"One can’t keep playing around with Maduro’s assassin government and its insincere calls for peace"

On March 20, 2014. Political Commentator Pompeyo Marquez written a essay called "Clear Objective: One can’t keep playing around with Maduro’s assassin government and its insincere calls for peace" on the moderate by opposition newspaper "Ultimas Noticias". The piece clearly did not said anything about a coup against the Maduro government, but did called for a "transitional government" to restore a "Civil Republic" and "Democracy", and that the opposition must "stand united" against Maduro's socialist government.
POMPEYO MÁRQUEZ  - Clear Objective  
March 20, 2014

One can not keep playing into Maduro's assassin government , with it's insincere calls for peace

In every struggle for freedom , you need to be clear about the objective you are pursued . In this we fight today is evident that this is a ripe maneuver to defeat and conquer a government to govern for all and to unify the country , which can not be further divided into two pieces .

You can not keep playing into Maduro's assassin government , and its insincere called to peace .

A totalitarian character, which has proved its impracticality , its failure, and other democratic character, based on the National Constitution, which states that Venezuela is and always will be democratic: In this confrontation two types of companies are on the board.

This should not be forgotten in no time. Behold precisely the cause of the crisis, and it may only be overcome while Maduro remains in power.

Venezuela needs a transitional government to call new elections and institutionalize the country , with the return to the Civil Republic and Democracy. This is to normalize the country .

Venezuela is experiencing a deep crisis that can not be resolved with warm cloths . This crisis is out: creating a new government, which, as stated above, should be transitional .

Venezuela can not continue living like this. A country without rule of law takes refuge in repression causing dozens of deaths, using torture, must have limits on their actions and their future must be change, but change in a democratic direction .

Maduro has taken refuge in repression. It will go down in history as one of the assassin governments, even dictatorships like Perez Jimenez.

The crisis rocking the country is systemic, ie, covering all areas of national life. There is no partial solution to the problems. Then we have the economic crisis, which has no outlet but a shift. So things are raised.

As for the opposition, which has closer ties to the country and make a choice that is attractive , and that is none other than democratic choice. But the opposition has to stand united and open to new perspectives for the country. A new way of living where all Venezuelans live together and know that we are all treated equally, without degrading insults, and without deepening existing wounds.

Political leader
Source: http://www.ultimasnoticias.com.ve/opinion/firmas/pompeyo-marquez/objetivo-claro.aspx
Translation Based on Google Translate

I've highlighted the three sections of the essay in bold.

The first one is this: The need for a transitional government. They've tried doing this via soft coup, which has already failed. The Maduro government already made headways, and people in opposition controlled areas are pissed off of the guarimbos. As a matter of fact the National Guard and Venezuelan Army has just liberated the City of San Christobal from Guraimbas and Guarimbos despite some resistance yesterday on 3/31/2014.

Even if there was a transitional government, if it happens you know what's going to happen it one is ever established!

The other way is via the electoral manner, via a recall referendum. But they've already tried that with Chavez with Capiles, and it failed! As soon as Capriles lost and he called for his supporters to "pour their rage!" the people have gotten a taste of what would happen if Capriles actually won the presidency.

People who are aligned via the PSUV and the normally apolitically persons who usually vote for either the PSUV or the opposition have no interest in the opposition what so ever, after all the mayhem they put up with.

Already we have three local public officials jailed for contempt of court! And those local officials will most likely be replaced by PSUV members.

The second: The Venezuelan Constitution and the laws clear state against torture and excessive force. Over 60 instances of violations of the Constitution are already been investigated by the Public Ministry. Many of the repression the mainstream media in the US showed and the opposition media routinely showed were considered necessary force because they were either blocking the highways, obstructing public rights of movement , violently attacking the public who dared dismantled the barricades. As a matter of fact instead of aggressively attacking the barricades (inadvertently causing a media show for the opposition in American media), they let the Guarimbos burn themselves out.

And how they do that? They just take defensive positions and smoke them out using tear gas. Once they eventually get tired out and scattered, they proceed to arrest them using motorcycles. It's a very efficient strategy.

The third: The Opposition has already been fractured, and just today it has even got worse. Ex-assembly woman Machado, already got slapped in the face by the Organization of American states for trying to talk about the country (A few days ago the OAS made a statement clearly supporting the country.), has now has her lost of seat in the Assembly confirmed by the Supreme Court of Justice, yesterday. Lopez is already in a military prison (for his own protection, from his own political party) for arson, property damage, criminal association, and public incitement to crime. Machado is already facing the same fate, but add high treason to the mix of charges. Capriles is lucky he's not in prison yet as he's still not doing his job as a Governor of Miranda state and still being a sore loser!

It's clear that the Government and Venezuelan public want peace for the opposition who actually wants dialogue, but several times, the political opposition (not the economic, social, intellectual opposition) refused. So the strategy is clear: Reconcile with the moderates, repress the criminal and extreme opposition. It's actually a good strategy than going full Stalin.

So, yeah, Maduro's is not running an "assassin government", the Venezuelan opposition on the other hand is doing most of the assassination. With now 39 people dead.

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