Monday, April 28, 2014

Hinterlaces: 73% of residents of Chacao reject guarimbas

This week's polling results from Hinterlaces, already confirms one fact: Most Venezuelans are opposed to the guarimba insurrection. Even the middle and upper middle classes of Chacao. Real question: If there are guarimbas and violent protests, why is most of the Venezuelan people and the middle classes are opposed to it?

73% of the residents of Chacao rejects guarimbas or violent protests, the latest study revealed by Hinterlaces polling.

The study was obtained after consulting with 350 inhabitants in this Miranda town. According to the survey, 68% of residents supports the dialogue between the National Government and the opposition, while 69% of respondents believe that the right-wing should reject terrorist actions carried out in jurisdictions governed by opposition political members to central government leaders. People who support punishing those who commit terrorism also part of the sample.

78% of the respondents said that the Government should impose penalties on those responsible for such acts. 

Hinterlaces also highlights that 70% of respondents think that a coup in Venezuela does occur, the economic situation will be worse. Acts of violence since February occurred by far-right groups in some parts of the country, have caused the deaths of 41 people and caused serious injuries to a large number of people affected.

Translation based by Google Translate

\As much as the Venezuela government can declare a state of emergency to crush the insurrection, and every country has the right to in similar circumstances, it's exactly what the far-right opposition of the country wants. So Maduro is going down the middle path of Stability. Enforcing the law against far-right groups, seeking a compromise with the moderate opposition that wants to talk about legitimate issues, and enforcing laws against people who engage in economic warfare. Already the worst of the insurrection is over, except in Chacao and instances of mobile guarimbas that have been occurring.

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