Friday, September 26, 2014

The [Venezuelan] opposition in three acts

From Mission Truth

The opposition in three acts
by Mercedes Chacin

The First act. The Holy Grail, the Venezuelan Nelson Mandela: Atoche the Santo Niño, the patron of prisoners, to "do not mess with my coups", the inseparable companion, until 12 years ago, Alfredo Peña, free of dust and straw, Ivan Simonovis has house arrest. The symbol of the Venezuelan resistance is back with his family. His family, which I send my respects, has a reason to be happy. The Supreme Court of Justice decided to grant house arrest at the request of the Public Ministry, the same that has been attacked and vilified by the Venezuelan opposition. The reasons: 19 suffered from diseases, difficult to cure, as his attorney, Jose Luis Tamayo.

Which will ensure a long stay at home. You can not talk to the media, you can not leave the country, you can not use social media ... but can peek out the window of his house. From there he was taken to Simonovis photos with his family. They look happy. Not for less. He spent ten years in prison accused of homicide, attempted homicide and serious and minor bodily injury in the context of the events of 11 April 2002 also yet to serve 20 years in prison. Long live Ivan Simonovis and wishes speedy recovery so that you can continue serving his sentence.

The Second Act. With twelve deaths in the Central Hospital of Maracay a union leader in the health sector comprises alarms in that state and states that are rare diseases. Hospital officials say there are no epidemics, but no matter. Yes there is. In realtion there is also a rare pod according to the website Counterpoint, which reads: "Since the beginning of the month, an increase of patients with febrile surprisingly For example, since 17 September we had 300 cases, of which 170, about suffering from high fever. Twenty of these children had a fever of 40 degrees [Celsius], had red marks on the skin and body pain by crying",said a nurse at the hospital site. The unnamed nurse also said that the cases come from La Vega, Antímano, Carapita and Valles del Tuy. And guess what: it also says it is not abatizando in those areas. Statistics and epidemiologist at the chick.

The Third act. The wrong guy the story is filmed throwing everything done in Táchira. Smearing the opposition leadership. Flying clubs is as simple counts. "Here's what to do (in Táchira) is to destroy liquor stores and nightclubs in San Cristobal, we must take them and blow them away. And then the CNE (...) if you want me let me deal with the CNE and CNE offices." The opposition leadership feigns insanity and say that this guy is an Chavista infiltrator. Ledezma said that they want to imprison.

Epilogue. Theirs [MUD] is a clear, concise and repeated script. Drama, violence and death. Ours [Chavista and GPP] is a festival, children's smiles and commitment to the country. With joy we will triumph. Let's

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Nature of the Venezuelan right

15 years after the Bolivarian Revolution, the Venezuelan Opposition (MUD) has still not won a single election, except a victory in a referendum of constitutional amendments that would like Cuba entrench socialism in the country. Instead of making reasonable alternatives to socialist policies, instead of creating opposition bills in the legislature, instead of making reasonable solutions to economic, inflation, and insecurity in the country, all this time they've been trying to regain power. Not regain power within in a system of democratic constitutional order, but outside it.

The end result is the ongoing coups, insurrection, media and economic war has been on going since 10 years ago. And now it has led to the Cucuta Connection, which will be detailed at a later post (Hopefully). Thankfully SEBIN found out about it and those suspects are in prison awaiting trial.

Mission Veradad (Mission Truth), posted a column explaining why the MUD (Democratic Unity Roundtable) is focused on gaining power back instead of earning their power back by actually solving problems.

With two months to ask the head of Aveledo, the MUD still struggles to assume the chair moves so gloomy character. The MUD is divided with the creation of the MID. For one walk guarimbeo enthusiasts, on the other, those who say they support (but I do not support it), trying to protect their tiny political capital.

Capriles collapsed in the clearest being ostracized, hated by many who were his followers, for "ambiguous", "demobilizing" and wrong way to "do politics". Hardly anyone says anything including Leopoldo, Ledezma wants to be President, MariCori plays offside by election campaign. Finally.

In no easy circumstances for the country, in the midst of a tough economic warfare, anyone could believe that the opposition could have assumed a vanguard role that would allow Capriles to gain space. It has not been. By contrast, right after Maduro was elected came electoral defeats (such as municipal elections) division, demobilization, loss of support and failure.

The guarimba [insurrection] only served to gain more ground to Chavismo and to generate a loss of cohesion between the leaders and the followers of the right. Despite the enormous resources coming from abroad, the substantial pension to the internal businessmen that financed the leadership of the right means at their service and a large base of support  - that is a basic dissatisfaction with the Government to support them - right still called "opposition" and his name is unsuccessful.

But such a failure must be explained in some way. Review what can be some variables that affect outcome as fatal to them. These are essentially expressions of the fundamental codes with the right "know how to do politics." These are issues of congenital right behavior, formulas, patterns, reproduced in high places and come downstream. They are elements of his own nature that have inhibited their political success and that it is impossible to discard.

-Personalist Business entity: As a matter of policy and the pseudo inherited from the older AD-COPEI tradition, MUD, or MID and etceteras, are a small conclave of economic franchises, business groups who fight each other in the dispute political power was fragmented after the arrival of Chavez. Their struggles for quotas for elected office, for nominations for presence in the media, preventing effective unitary, cohesive and amalgamated political practice.

The MUD is a small group of party leaders who fail to agree with each other and expect to lead an entire country with millions of Chavistas that they are not going to be subordinated. Despite such political upheaval, the right-wing media have managed to paint the face of his leadership making it look like a "unit block" that can "unite the country", stripping it of its client, business nature, and governed by sectarian and personalistic projects .

The MUD  - and its predecessors -   born as a group of parties and economic sectors that lost privileges and tried to recover, for that reason they are forces of democratic corporate-party origin. That is their nature. That is its essential component. They can become anything, but are not and will not be a popular alternative.

It is true that almost any country, alternatives become corporate power. That happens all the time. The issue is the context of Chavez's Venezuela, where the logic of the forces of social direction must be genuine, popular, with a deep sense of identity with the people, in the exercise of power to distribute wealth into social benefits was imposed . It is difficult that to be credible in the MUD where your family, business and partisan caste tillers kill each other. A policy option loosely to the inner, more economic and media power have, is doomed to failure.

Negative Community: The other day I went through a pendejo average article in appearance, and to associate politically acquired otherwise. It had to do with "negative people and communities (groups)." One of the signs of people and groups with this feature were "not to promote what they like rather mentioned and always promote what they do not like.". The opposition from leaders to followers is a negative political community.

We back this up with more questions: If the opposition has mayors, governors and congressmen why opponents do not usually broadcast their work, or mention or comment? Why do we never see opposition leaders speaking well of the work he and Capriles being a leader?

If opponents follow their leaders, why  almost  no gestures we support their work ?, Why do not we see gestures of support for management? If so and so did this, managed this or did that, why his political opinion is reduced to the complaint and the eternal despite all what the revolution is wrong, but do not mention what for them would be good attributes Right in the government?

If they assume that everything is now bad and everything was better before, why not publish at least one of a lavish photic bridge was adeca? It seems that the positive and come from themselves, is an affront to the cult of the negative. The contravention.

The point is that denial, negativity and bad vibes perennial discontent, became a "way of doing politics," and the formula is the negation of the Venezuelan yes. It is the equation of denying the positive, affirming the negative.

In a changing society of Venezuela, where he takes on more purposeful spaces and "doing", "solving" is more grip on the public imagination, it is difficult to build a "language of hope" among the gendarmes the negative. While they have managed to expand their support base at the expense of discontent, while unknown language imposed by the Chávez era, of hope "doing, achieving and consolidating" to the detriment of the historic "put me to me that I do what I do well. "

That subjective game, that semiotic component of the right, is the "malaise speech", a dangerous recipe for failure if it comes from the hand of the same faces from the malaise of the past and present:-AD, COPEI, and derivatives adecos copeyanos The oil strike, the April coup, those of guarimbas, economic warfare, currency speculation, cadivismo, unleashed speculation, the media shows, and et cetera.

Ethics of power for power : A simple sentence may summarize this part: "The right is more busy trying to gain power, that working for the welfare of the country and its people." Perhaps the only clear strategic cohesive element that itself has the right to take power, which is currently fragmented: Chavez has the political power, the right has economic power. The right wants it all. The nature of power is identical to that of capital in capitalism; tends to be concentrated in few hands, and that's what you try to republish the Venezuelan right; it is an attitude of his own nature.

For many, their very specific action simply want back the power is more than apparent that ethics makes clear his desire for political power and thereby extend its economic power. People notice. That is obvious.

They have not understood that the forms of political power are changing, they have not understood the dialectical question of our political change means that from Chavez "our leaders must look like us, be like us." That explains how the right has not been raised as a popular choice; because it is not, they are not.

The formula of wealthy children of wealthy in the political arena has only to put on the electoral Card class contradictions, understood as political mistakes like behavior ethics of power for power. A right could serve demagogues leading candidates with a painted area face, but between the class language, sometimes racist, fascist and stigma have made Chavez, will be difficult to wash face any more mud and grime get stronger. Hence Chavez sectors they have no identity try to seduce them. Their failure is not only election, is symbolic, is subjective.

In Venezuela, the only thing that is not changing is the aesthetics of Venevision. But on the street, in the imagination, projecting new forms, new symbols, new codes of cultural identity, political identity. In the 90s we were told that this country needed a "manager" who came from the privileged classes "so I would not need to steal." A Capriles he tried to sell him as such, but the formula did not work reissued. We ended up choosing Mature, emphatically claiming their origin as Metrobus driver.

Today people start concretely associate entrepreneurship with large economic woes. Responsibility for economic data is not only ascribed to the Government. In the internal crisis of the right entrepreneurship as "the lead" becomes more visible, and this creates subjectivity to the public that the same visible faces of speculation are erected themselves as the solution.

Trying to sweep under the rug this paradox, many continue to support the right, but others notice such ambiguity, to the point that the guarimbas what has grown is the basis of "desapoyo" or "rejection" of the opposition leadership. Only the ethics of power for power makes it possible to suppress the popular nature must have a political movement, and that is played socially in our codes. Therefore, in our language, we associate "sifrina" with "skinny", "middle class" with "opposition", "dealer" with "speculator". Are these expressions historical result of the practice of open and notorious done right, and how has resemantizado Chavez.

To conclude

The right despite its weakness is not a political force to be underestimated. Historic reversals have been around the political context, there are a very dangerous force for the Bolivarian revolution. Visible face of this threat, the task of revolutionaries is to build a revolution revolutionary consistency, more inclusive and radically. More amalgamated ideologically, organizationally more painstaking.

Is that the formula to reproduce more clearly the nature of antagonism between them and us.

Translation Based on Google Translate

The entire article reminds of this video (It's in English, so don't worry):

This begs the question: Why Venezuela does not have a functional opposition? An functional opposition that would have given ideas of how to solve actual problems there? To paraphrase Egyptian Cleric Talaat Zahran during the 2014 Gaza War (Operation Protective Edge):

As for mobilizing the sifrina to support Venezuela… Driving the Chavistas out of Venezuela is, indeed, a duty, but who do we really support when we support the MUD? We need to know what the goal is and who the leader is. Those sifrina in Venezuela neither a goal nor an emir. They are power obsessed and money obsessed, so they must not be supported. 

They started their guarimba groups against the Chavistas, in order to worry the Chavistas and ostensibly force them to attack them. It's perfectly clear that MUD and their economic friends coordinate what places in Venezuela should be targeted. Therefore, MUD must not be supported in this struggle. Furthermore, some of them – especially the leaders – are absent in their government duties or imprisoned. 

Henrique Capriles is absent from his Governor duties and not doing anything, while Leopoldo López are jailed in the Military Prison in Ramo Verde because of a potential assaination plot from his own collition. Only the sifrinan Venezuelans people get beat in the crossfire. 4,000 people were arrested on the first three months. 

This is a MUD-led conspiracy against the Venezuelan people. This is a clear case of "rooster-baiting," the purpose of which is to drag the United States into a war against Venezuela. This would be going into war pell-mell. This is what the MUD and their economic bosses want. The United States must not be dragged into this.

In short, they only care about one thing: Getting back the government power from Chavistas, and using that to get the money that the Government makes from oil sales. Like politicians, actually trying to solve problems involves work. For every time you see them complain about the Big 3 issues in Venezuela, they have not offered a single reasonable solution or plan. Not one. Instead you have different factions of the MUD doing their own strategies to getting back power, this along with the irregular warfare via multiple fronts in order to weaken the government.

These multiple fronts include economic warfare, media warfare, political warfare, and civil insurrection. This has grown to actual political terrorism thanks to some people in Columbia. All of this instead of solving problems, they create or exacerbate problems to make the MUD look good come election time. Instead each one of them have backfired and in the long-run made the MUD's problems worse.

Despite all of this, the Venezuelan country has been much stronger, the people are happier with chavistas despite problems, and there government is still working hard to solve problems despite irregular warfare. Meanwhile, the MUD has been a 15 year losing streak, which will going to be a 16 year losing streak once they lose the National Assembly elections and Presidential Recall vote since they don't offer any real solution to the Big three problems other than political drama and social-economic warfare.

At the same time the PSUV should not be complacent and underestimate what the right-ring opposition can do when they're desperate. They've lost a replacement election in San Cristobal because they did not focus on local issues. They must prepare for anything that the right-wing may chuck in front of them. The price of freedom, or in this case the freedom of all people in a socialist country, Including workers, farmers, intellectuals, and minorities who have gained so much in the past 15 years, is eternal vigilance from those who threaten it.

Monica Spear's Murderers brought to Justice

Monica Spear's murder in January 2014 sparked a huge debate in Venezuela in regards to it's insecurity problem, and was used as a building block for the guarimba insurrection or the Venezuelan Opposition Civil Insurrection of 2014. While all of that was occurring, CICIP, the Venezuelan Criminal Investigation Police, was busy investigating the case and just now on yesterday there was a court case.

Venezuela does has the second-highest peacetime murder rate, just below of El Salvador, and it's city San Salvador.
<i>A court in Venezuela has sentenced three men to lengthy jail sentences for the killing of Venezuelan beauty queen Monica Spear in January.

The three had pleaded guilty.

Ms Spear, 29, and her British partner, Thomas Berry, were shot dead in January in front of their five-year-old daughter during a roadside robbery.

UN figures suggest that Venezuela has the second-highest peacetime murder rate in the world, but the brutality of the crime shocked the country.

Prosecutors said the three men were part of a larger gang which targeted motorists along a highway leading from Valencia to Puerto Cabello.

The court said seven other people were still on trial for the crime but had denied the charges.

The sentences for the three men range between 24 and 26 years in jail.

The family, who lived in the US, was on a visit to Ms Spear's home country when they were targeted.

They were travelling at night from the city of Merida to the capital, Caracas, when their car hit a sharp object, puncturing two tyres.

While they waited for breakdown assistance, they were ambushed by the armed gang.

When the couple and their daughter hid inside the car, they were shot at by the robbers.

Ms Spear and Mr Berry died instantly. Their daughter, Maya, was shot in the leg.

The murder of the popular beauty queen, who was crowned Miss Venezuela in 2004, prompted demonstrations against the country's high crime rate.

President Nicolas Maduro promised to respond with "an iron fist" and said he would make tackling crime one of the government's top priorities.

Last week, he announced his government would invest $47m (£29m) to further expand a plan to disarm civilians.

But opposition activists say impunity and corruption remain rampant and accuse his government of doing too little to tackle insecurity.</i>

CARACAS (Reuters) - Three men convicted of murdering a former Miss Venezuela and her ex-husband this year were sentenced to at least 24 years in jail in a case that shook the crime-ridden South American nation, authorities said.

Monica Spear, 29, a soap opera actress, and Thomas Berry, 39, died after being attacked when their car broke down at night on a highway in central Venezuela in January.

The 2004 Miss Venezuela winner lived in the United States but was vacationing in her homeland at the time. The pair's 5-year-old daughter survived but took a bullet in her leg.

Three men confessed to their involvement in the murder, the public prosecutor's office said in a statement.

Jean Carlos Colina, 19, got a 26-year sentence, while Jose Ferreira Herrera, 18 and Nelfrend Jimenez Alvarez, 21, were jailed for 24 years, the statement said. Four other men, one woman, and two adolescents still face proceedings in the case.

The case devastated Venezuelans who saw it as a particularly awful symbol of the violent crime they have long suffered.

Venezuela's official homicide rate late year was 39 per 100,000 inhabitants, but local non-government organizations put the figure at nearly twice that for a total of 24,000 deaths.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said beating violent crime is a top priority and spoke movingly about Spear's death at the time. His critics say state anti-crime plans do not tackle root causes, such as impunity for many criminals, corrupt judges and complicity by some poorly paid police.

(Writing by Andrew Cawthorne; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)
It is worth mentioning that despite the iron fist Maduro promises, the country does not have the death penalty and was THE first countries to abolish it after gaining independence. There is also no life imprisonment, as the maximum sentence of any serious crimes is 30 years.

This will be one of the most buried stories in Venezuela as it was one of a series of events that has contributed towards the Guarimba Insurrection on Youth Day on Feb. 12. As this case is officially closed, Monica Spear and Thomas Berry can finally rest in peace.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Despite economic warfare, unemployment in Venezuela has decreased, and 95% of the population eats three times a day

Despite news of inflation, crime, and looming threat of another guarimba insurrection there is some good news reported by Broadcast the Truth:

Venezuelan Vice President of Planning and Knowledge, Ricardo Menendez, said Wednesday the decline in the unemployment rate to 6.7% in July as in Venezuela have created over 4.5 million new jobs. 

Menendez said at a press conference that 95% of Venezuelans eat three times a day, because the country's economy "has sufficient force" to support these figures.

"In the last two years there have been unprecedented attacks on the economy. There are only small perturbations from the point of view of desrrollo, we as an economic model and has to do with each of the attacks has been Venezuela (...) We are under a scheme of economic war in the country and yet we have seen indicators of food consumption per day per capita show that over 95% of our population eating three or more times a day. "

He stated that "regardless of the economic war that our country has suffered, there is an economy with an impressive force with a huge force. It's like a body that is infested with a virus and has sufficient strength to withstand the onslaught of an economic war".

You will not hear this in the International media at all, because it will not fit the media narrative of Venezuela is a failing economy because of centralized socialism. The real question is if they keep pushing the narrative of a failing economy, why 95% of Venezuelans are able to eat three times a day? It would explain why there are both long lines in Venezuelan supermarkets for both the working class and the middle-classes? The latter is obvious due to economic warfare but the former makes since because more than ever, they got more money to buy basic goods.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Does the Washington Post follow up on reports on international stories?

On September 3rd, 2014, The Washington Post posted an report on the Sidor trade dispute in Ciudad Guyana. It follows a basic narrative on Venezuela: Economic problems are rooted in top-down socialist economics. Also include statements on corruption and inflation. Problem was that by the time this article was published, the dispute was already resolved.
A once-proud industrial city, now a monument to Venezuela’s economic woes

By Nick Miroff September 3 at 10:16 PM

Long before Hugo Chávez launched his socialist revolution, government planners came here to Venezuela’s eastern frontier, where the mighty Orinoco and Caroni rivers converge, and envisioned an industrial workers’ paradise.

President Rómulo Betancourt, a key partner in John F. Kennedy’s “Alliance for Progress,” founded the city in 1961, inviting his countrymen to turn Ciudad Guayana into a tropical Pittsburgh.

More than a city, “it felt like you were building a country,” said Alfredo Rivas, who arrived as a young engineer and went on to become president of the huge steelworks here.

A half-century later and 15 years after Chávez came to power, Ciudad Guayana’s factories are crippled, starved for investment and roiled by labor disputes.



As I mentioned, this dispute was already resolved, as Venezuela Analysis can report.

Venezuelan Steel Plant Sidor Renews Operation

Caracas, August 18th 2014 ( – Following the announcement of a collective workers’ contract signed at the end of last week, the Sidor steel plant in Ciudad Guyana will reopen for normal operation, several officials confirmed this afternoon.

“I opened the plant, and we did a tour to enact a complete overhaul and maintenance plan,” Minister of Industry José David Cabello wrote earlier on Twitter. “My congratulations to the Sidor workers who have demonstrated their commitment to productivity.”

The development comes after weeks of conflict between workers at the state-owned plant and the Venezuelan government over the terms of the contract.

While workers numerous demonstrations throughout Ciudad Guyana to protest the government’s stance on the negotiations, key figures in the government – including National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro – characterized the protests as part of a larger attempt by “mafias” to create chaos within the factory and the region.

Last Thursday, Information Minister Delcy Rodríguez and Sidor Workers’ Trade Union (Sutiss) Secretary José Meléndez announced the agreement of a new collective workers’ contract which included a salary increase and retroactive pay for the time spent in negotiations. Since the last contract expired in 2010, workers had complained of a reduced wage value due to inflation.

Other Sutiss members, however, rejected the contract on grounds that negotiations excluded key representatives and lacked collective approval through a workers’ assembly.

Regarding these tensions, Cabello noted that “the guarimba [a term also used to characterize opposition protests earlier in the year] failed here like it failed in the rest of the country. Sidor is not even going to stop. Sidor should be a spearhead in the industry, and for the benefit of all Venezuelans.”

Read more here:
But before the dispute was resolved, this had to happen:

14 Arrested and Two Injured in Confrontations between Sidor Workers and Venezuelan National Guard


Caracas, August 12th 2014 ( – Clashes between protesting workers at the state-owned steel plant Sidor and the Venezuelan National Guard on Monday in the southeastern city of Guyana ended with at least 14 arrests and two injuries, according to multiple sources.

The protest, focusing on continued delays in the negotiation of a collective workers’ contract with the state entity which runs the factory, began at 7 a.m. yesterday when workers gathered in the plant and decided to march to Guyana Avenue, the city’s main access road.

Before they could arrive, local media reported, the National Guard intercepted the demonstration with pellets and tear gas, inciting the conflict which led to the arrests and injuries.

According to a press release from the leftist Socialist Tide (Marea Socialista) organization, the National Guard had also stationed six tanks within the factory, in the area where company buses normally arrive to drop off workers. On Monday Sidor did not send out buses, which workers involved in the protests considered was an effort to avoid further unrest, though many workers found other means of transportation to arrive and participate.

Tensions between Sidor workers and the national government have escalated in recent weeks, particularly after both National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro criticized the protests, which have on occasion blocked roads in the city, as beholden to union “mafias” and part of a larger attempt to destabilize the factory and region.

There has also been a dispute about who is responsible for falling productivity at the plant. Workers blame company management for “inefficiency” and “bureaucracy”, while the government accuses union “mafias” of being responsible.

Read more at:

So now, the plant is finally back in running. The real question is why did the Washington Post posted this story anyway and not followed up before actually posting it? I'll give you one theory, if they did last-minute research on the situation and made a update story on the dispute, it will break the narrative on Venezuela on being a country full of economic woe.

For a person who wants to push and enforce a narrative there is one rule in writing a media narrative: Never write anything that contradicts that narrative.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

TNT's crime drama "Legends" creates controversy over misrepresenting Venezuela.

I don't watch much television. These days most of my entertainment consists of netflix, anime, and video games (read: PSO2 and Battlefield 4). For some reason cable channel TNT is making the news rounds in Venezuela for a scene in the crime drama "Legends" where the protagonist was torturing a terrorist for information on who is buying his biological weapons.

In the episode in question, titled "Lords of War," the star of the show tortures a terrorist "24"-style, demanding to know who is buying his chemical weapons. Eventually the terrorist splutters, "Maduro! PSUV! They're worried about the civil unrest in Venezuela."

From Axis of Logic

While there was much international criticism and outright opposition to Venezuela's treatment of those involved the civil insurrection of February(for all the wrong reasons), the Venezuelan government was never accused of using chemical weapons. The only "chemical" weapons used were non-lethal tear gas, which was used by both the Bolivarian National Guard and the Bolivarian National Police. As a country that for the most by abides by the rule of constitutional and constitutional order, they would be stupid to buy such chemical weapons to actually cause harm. You simply don't make your problems worse. As such, the government mostly let the civil insurrection burn out over the course of 4-5 months.

The news was first reported by the well known Chavista Aporrea news portal and originally reported by the public newspaper Correo del Orinoco.
4th Generation War in Action: TNT series Legends accuses Maduro of buying biological weapons for use against protesters.

By: Correo del Orinoco / | Monday, 09/01/2014 1:35 PM

Through TNT, Monsanto, was last night accused the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, want to buy a biological bomb to use against protesters seeking to unseat him.

In TNT's new series "Legends", specifically the third episode of the first season (13:38 min), one of the terrorists is questioned by one of the FBI agents. The criminal is face down and says "okay, okay, is the VX." The agent asks, "Who are you buying?" And the detainee says: "I do not know, there is a proxy".

In the scene, which lasts about 19 seconds, ask the agent "and who is the agent?". Immediately, the terrorist says: "Maduro, United Socialist Party of Venezuela. They are concerned about civil unrest in Venezuela." 

The VX mentioned the terrorist on the scene, is an oleaginous considered a powerful nerve agent chemical weapon. It was created in 1952 by researchers at Porton Down, England. In 1958 the British government sold its VX technology to the United States in exchange for information on thermonuclear weapons.

Not the first time that American multinationals incorporate in their series, talks to refer to Venezuela. Even, have been incorporated in some video games, missions to end the "dictatorship in Venezuela."

TNT is a cable television and satellite television belonging to the oligopoly of the Turner Broadcasting System (TBS). United States, Latin America and Spain, are regions are reaching their productions.

TBS belongs to Time Warner, which also owns CNN, TBS, TNT, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang, TCM TruTV...among dozens of other corporations. Time Warner is one of the ten mega-corporations that control the global communications industry.

Translation Based on Google Translate


The third episode of "Legends" entitled "Lords of War" was broadcast in the United States on 8/27/2014, which was four months after the initial unrest was over. The production of the episode started while the insurrection was ongoing, and the script writer needed an idea. This idea was gained from the insurrection in Venezuela. Problem is that he may not actually following the news on how the government was actually handling it.

CONTEL which is the National Telecommunication Commission, immediately opened an investigation regarding the episode

Broadcast on USA channel TNT: Conatel open investigation for assault on Venezuela in series American Legends

Caracas, September 2 - The National Telecommunications Commission of Venezuela (Conatel) initiated a process of research on media manipulation that exposes the American Legends series, against Venezuela and President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro.

The Minister of Communication Information Delcy Rodriguez, through his Twitter account,@DrodriguezMinci, said that "lies and manipulations against President Nicolas Maduro Legends series, we ask Conatel opening a thorough investigation."

In the third episode of said fictitious television series, a terrorist accused President Maduro acquire a chemical weapon that would be used against civilians at the scene observed the terrorist being interrogated by an FBI agent, who asks, "For whom do You are buying (chemical weapon called XV)" and the arrested said: "I do not know, it was a proxy". When asked about the identity of that person, he responds: "Maduro, United Socialist Party of Venezuela. They are concerned about the unrest of civilians in Venezuela."

Minister Rodríguez added that "the Legends series, broadcast by American channel 'TNT', foreshadows a typical Hollywood script imperial actions against legitimate rulers." Director General Conatel, William Castillo, too reported on his Twitter account, that on instructions from the Minister Rodríguez "tomorrow Conatel will open a probe into the case of the Legends series, broadcast on subscription television."

Translated based on Google Translate
Later on 9/2/2014, 21st Century Fox made an apology to President Maduro

The explanation does not convince Fox 21: Company production of "Legends": Sincerely apologize to President Maduro

Fox 21, the producer of the police drama "Legends" which is owned by Twenty-First Century Inc, apologized to President Nicolas Maduro for the incident. It is unknown how was the apology, if it was made by Twitter or by letter or word conference.

"Obviously 'Legends' is a work of fiction," said Fox 21. "The producers did not intend to say that the show reported facts when mentioned the name of President Maduro. We sincerely apologize to the president."

If it was a work of fiction Why, for example, not then named Obama? Why they mentioned the United Socialist Party of Venezuela?

Not much accuracy to fiction?

Venezuelan government lambasted the television series "Legends" broadcast on American network TNT, by a scene in which a character says President Maduro and his party plan to purchase a biological weapon.

The Minister of Communication, Delcy Rodriguez said showed the fictional show lies and manipulations of the president of the country, where you can see the series through pay television services. Ie:. Amid planet "Legends Series American channel transmitted by TNT foreshadows the typical imperial actions against legitimate rulers Hollywood script," the officer wrote in his Twitter account,DrodriguezMinci on Monday night.

During the third episode, the protagonist played by British actor Sean Bean in an interrogation question who is behind the purchase of a "VX", a biological weapon, device to another character who says: "There is an intermediary...Maduro, PSUV (United Socialist Party). they concerned about civil unrest in Venezuela."

Fox 21's apology is not convincing.

Translation based on Google Translate
Now here is the actual quotation in actual English:

“Legends is obviously a work of fiction,” Fox 21 said. “The producers did not intend to imply that the show was reporting any actual events when it mentioned President Maduro's name. We sincerely apologise to President Maduro.”


Then why did they mentioned "PSUV", "Maduro", and "unrest".

This type of misrepresentation of Venezuela is not new:

In 2006, the government led by the late President Hugo Chavez accused a U.S. gaming company of doing Washington's bidding by releasing a shoot 'em up computer game [Mercinaries 2]based on the overthrow of an imaginary Venezuelan "tyrant." 

Last year, the U.S. spy drama "Homeland" portrayed Venezuela as a lawless hellscape. An outlaw character was depicted hiding out in a Caracas skyscraper-turned-slum with thugs who killed people and molested children with impunity. No official repercussions followed.

From Axis of Logic 

There is another theory: Since the show is fictional, they don't feel the need to be at least accurate in depiction or actions of a foreign person or country. Since it's entertainment, and most Americans are not aware of foreign countries unless it's a very major event of violence or political conflict, they would care less. Besides, television companies exist to make money, not be at least accurate of their actual actions people outside their production country.

People interested in public office should go through PSUV Training School

In the tradition of the former Soviet Union's Communist Party school, the Communist Party of China's Party school, or in Venezuela's regional area Cuba's party training school, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela is planning to create it's own party school for those who are interested in running public office.

People interested in public office should go through PSUV Training School

By: Venezuelan News Agency (AVN) | Monday, 09/01/2014 2:01 PM

[Written by]Jacqueline Faria -- A Proposal presented Monday in the central region of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to the formation of the Training System of political organization. One of the approaches outlined important is that candidates for public office to go through the Training School Boards and receive ideological-political, technical, and administrative training.

At the closing ceremony of the First Workshop on System Design Training PSUV, held at the Teresa Carreño Theater of Caracas, Faria emphasized that the aim should be to train a leader able to develop, deepen the revolutionary process and to ensure through the party, leading the struggles of the people and raising the class consciousness in the path to the Bolivarian socialism and political revolutionary.


After four days of meetings, the conclusions of the central region indicate that a picture of the PSUV to be formed under the principle of "being like Chavez" is required. As the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, involves discovering himself in the excluded, the marginalized, through class consciousness and struggle to ensure their social and historical rights, Faria said. The basis of the training will be called The tree of the four estates, covering the political thought of Simon Bolivar,the heroes Ezequiel Zamora and Simón Rodríguez, and Chavez also mentioned the need to adhere to the principles and socialist values: turn the crisis into an opportunity for victory; devote to the people to build a better world; combat waste, corruption and bureaucracy; and elevate the thinking of revolutionary ethics with the premise of consistency between what is said and what is done. "This leads us to raise the chavismo as a guide for present and future action," he added.

This program will be modeled to take the structure of the party Communist Cuba: state, municipal and national levels; and the equalization program knowledge to the tables has promoted the Sandinista party in Nicaragua.

"That is not only going to enter must pass through the esucela but leveling required of those who are now in government," said Faria.

By Another central idea is to develop a sectoral component of training: for workers, youth, women, peasants, etc., as well as the creation of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences Alberto Muller Rojas.

The programs of study are suggested: the thought and action of Chavez; analysis of the Bolivarian Revolution revolutionary ethics and morals; history and characterization of imperialism; and world history, Latin American, Caribbean, national, regional and local geography; politicians and government studies; popular education; organizational, technical and electoral strategies; propaganda and political communication; gender; foreign policy and international relations; Human Rights; organization and functioning of the Party; social psychology; legal basis of the revolutionary process; and comprehensive security and defense of the nation.

Moreover, said the establishment of mass education circles and reflection and the creation of an evaluation system with task allocation, monitoring and control by the Party. Likewise, Faria recognized Psuv President Nicolas Maduro effort at this stage of transition to socialism and its interest in strengthening ideological education for the purpose of carrying the revolution to a tipping point actually.

Translation based on Google translate
In a global standpoint and in the history of socialism, if this school was established: This will be the first party school of socialism, in a socialist country to be built in a actual democratic socialist state. Not even China's who has economic and diplomatic ties with the coutnry, with it's formidable Party school has that accomplishment.

It is interesting of note that it is modeled after Cuba's program, which was also modeled after the former Soviet Union's party school, so Cuba does has influence, but passive influence of ideas not active influence.